The Future
Sportin': A hair cut that I hate.
Feelin': Impatient
I've been so impatient lately. And being impatient is so uncharacteristic of me. Check out lines at the SM grocery store are killer. They take forever! The longest I've waited (that I've actually timed) clocked in at 1 hour and 40 minutes. And I can take it.
Getting classes at UA&P is ridiculous. You actually have to go at the butt crack of dawn just to get a good priority number. Why can't we register for classes over the phone or online like normal schools? And that's not even the half of it. There's a long frickin' line filled of kids that push and shove, that laugh loud and boisterously, but I can take that, too.
But for the past few weeks, I have been so impatient for what's to come, that I can barely keep still. I dream about the weirdest things because the weirdest things are always on my mind. I day dream about where I'm going to live, what kind of kids that would be in the classes I'd teach, who would constantly be surrounding me... It's my latest obsession.
Picture me rollin' in my 500 Benz. What song?

Oh yeah, nevermind.
I see myself back in Southern California somewhere. Love Burbank, but don't see myself being able to afford living there. Nor will I live around my sister, because it's just too far from LA and all of my friends. I'm teaching at an elementary school somewhere - Kindergarten or first grade.
Even a little bit about my wedding, I've been thinking about. How I need to get my stupid tatoos removed because I want to have a backless dress. By the way - one of the worst decisions in my life. I was 16, insecure, and thought that tatoos would make me an official bad-ass. Got two in the span of 3 days. Kids can be so stupid. Anyway. My backless white dress, exposing my tatoo-less back. I want Joaquin & Abby to sing Will you be mine as I'm walking down the isle (or Ruff Endz themselves, hehe). I want an outdoor wedding - some time late afternoon when the sky is barely starting to get orange-pink because the sun's starting to set. AA, I want to be the ring-bearer, and I'm not even going to name any bridesmaids, or the maid of honor because I don't want people goin, "WHY WOULDN'T I BE MARRIED BEFORE YOU?! WHAT'S THE BASIS?!" I know that I kinda vowed to myself that I wouldn't buy any Cosmos anymore (the mag, not the drink) because of all the unwholesome trash that's in it, I found myself buying one a month ago because it had a free wedding guide thing that came with it. It's silly. I don't even see my groom's face yet - but I see myself. And I am one HOT bride. Hehehe.
Anyway. Everything seems so distant all of a sudden. Plus it's funny how you can have everything planned out for yourself, but God doesn't see things the way you do and switches things up for ya all of a sudden. And that may happen for me again. But then again, it's always fun to daydream.
A couple years isn't that long to wait. Time flies. I've been here for over 2 years now, and I've barely noticed. I know I can wait. But my patience. My mind is like outta control right now. What did Roks tell me nga? Patience isn't merely being able to wait - it's the attitude towards waiting.
Well. Two minutes to one in the morning. I better get back to my theology books.
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