Well, y'all know the song - you got the gist. Hehe...
Amazing. Even though I didn't go, I got to see first hand the impact Campus Harvest had, and the mighty way God moved through the lives of those who attended. My nephew and cousin came home today from Baguio. And right when they walked through the front door, I heard lines like,
Ang ganda! Enjoy! I didn't want to go at first pero now? No regrets! At first 'kala ko mga weirdo ang Christians, pero 'di pala! How can I invite kaya my friends to church?!
God is so amazing. And Pat?! Wow - talk about COMPLETE TRANSFORMATION! I know he always felt like he didn't like going to Youth on Fire every week. He "appreciated the wisdom" of the pastors, and loved how they'd joke. But never would you see him even belt out a single lyric of a song to praise Him. When I asked him how the music team did, he started singing lines to the songs! Grabe. Even though I wanted so badly to go, there must have been a purpose as to why I wasn't permitted to. Maybe it came down to either me or them going. And I would have chosen them over myself anyday.
I had a great conversation with my sister yesterday. Initially, the call was merely to greet her for her birthday. But when I asked her about how her walk with God was going, great news started pouring in! She told me about how she and her son had been attending bible studies regularly, they've both been baptized, and about the overwhelming grace God's been giving them. And!!!!! She told me that two more of my nieces accepted Jesus! PRRRRRRRRRRRRRAISE HIM!
The news was not only joyous, but it kinda taught me something, too. At the beginning of the year, I was praying and fasting for the salvation of my family. But so soon?! I would have never guessed that God moves so quickly. And I truely believe that He answers prayers. But what I learned was that He can do things EVEN IF WE DON'T!
No, I'm not saying slack off, don't go to class, and forget studying - and as long as you pray to God that you'll graduate with honors, you will. But my sisters all live in America. I've never had the chance to even tell her about God, and one of them started to follow Jesus a few months ago. Now her kids are, and another one of my brothers' kids are!! He's movin', y'all! And he's moving in my family despite the fact that we're all so scattered :)
It's amazing, really. For those that really know me, and know how my family is - you guys know how big this is. This time right now is definitely up there with my happiest moments ever.
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