What is up with all this Seattle talk?
For the past week, I've heard the word, "Seattle" quite often. It all started with Joy. "You know what I've been thinking? I want to get outta AZ and move somewhere. Washington, or Colorado or something." Okay, okay - she didn't say "Seattle" precisely. But I was thinking it. I hear the word "Washington" and I instantaneously think of the Space Needle, Seattle, the Pacific Science Center, Elliot Ave., Pike Place, HIGH SCHOOL!, Sir Mix A Lot, etc. Anyway, Seattle. So yeah, Joy wants to move to Seattle. And I'm totally for it! I tell her, "You know what? That's the best thing you've said all day. Let's do it then." I really didn't say that, but that's what I was thinking. I've loved and missed Seattle for a minute now.
Then a few days ago, Judith text messaged me. It read, "Do you want to live in Seattle with me?" My jaw dropped. It was so coincidental. We ended up on the phone for hours playing with the idea of what would happen, and how she could pick up and leave her career goals and accomplishments, family! behind and just move. But her reasoning was just. She wants to be able to get away from the fast-paced Southern California lifestyle that we, both, are so accustomed to. "It's only gonna be a few more years until she's gonna hit her teens and not want me around at all," she justifies. She wants to be able to be there for her daughter during her childhood - a lot more than she has been because of her career goals. That's always a good thing. Such a dedicated parent, my sister is.
Anyway, it's completely "carazy". I kid yall not, ever since I was little, I'd daydream about how I would like to live in the same area as her when we were all grown up. I even thought that I'd one day move to Arizona just so that we could be around eachother. And when Judith had J'nai, I sooo soooo longed to be around them and watch her grow up, but couldn't because I was in the Philippines all the time. I made an agreement with myself to be around in the future when all of this stuff I'm doing is up and done. And the fact that they both mentioned it is simply exciting to me.
I've loved the Philippines though. I can honestly say that I've grown up here. My friends are the best here. I've learned so much about the Filipino and where my parents were born and raised - so much more than what I might have come to known being that typical lil' asian-american girl that I was. The only thing is I feel like I've missed so much already. Donnell's graduation. Kyle's and J'nai's birth. Being there for my mom. Wow, now that I think about it, it's been 7 years that I've been going back and forth. Seven years.
Seattle seems great. I'm really gonna think [errr, uh, daydream] about it. I have a couple more years to do so...
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